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Here is where I store my weekly assignments

Design Studio

Workspace and Prototype

images from the walk home prototype
My new temporary workspace and sketches for my prototype

Since I was on holiday in Mallorca, my workspace looked very different than what it would normally. This time, my tools were limited, so the protoype I made was done through the technology and skills I had available.

The prototype I chose to work on was a lo-fi sketch in attempt to solve my recycling problem within my household. Given that we only had one trash can under the sink, our recycling attempts would result in a pile of somewhat differentiated garbage accumulating in sections next to it. This meant that it would be hard to collect and bring down to the street bins, the smell would get bad and overall our will to separate the trash would fade over time.

Prototype sketches

I came up with 3 possible solutions; the DIY Method, the store method and the online method. Each one had its pros and cons, but ultimately I ended up selecting the store option. I found some bins that fit perfectly in our kitchen space, and now we are happily recycling properly now.
