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Design Dialogues preparation

Answering the questions Kate asked us via email

Make a clear list of what you will show at Design Dialogues - personal project, group interventions, fab challenge outputs.

  • Rorschach CGI inkblots (printed photos)
  • Rorschach 3D stands with laser cut
  • Shadows of the collective poster

  • Quarantine check-in collage

  • Artificial constellations project video
  • Artificial Constellations event video
  • Artificial Constellations poster

  • Propagame Fab Challenge

2. WHAT(2)
Prepare a clear and simple statement on your presentation at Design Dialogues, what is your purpose, vision and mission. We will use this to co-curate the projects, so ensure that it reflects your project from a communications perspective.

I am presenting a collection of projects aimed at bringing people together around a particular topic through the interactions they have with the specific objects, artworks or interfaces I created.

 = Common theme I am noticing: exploring the various ways to engage people and encourage participation. Possibly due to 2 years of COVID, this Masters' has given me the opportunity to reconnect with peers, likeminded or not, and see what results can arise.

3. WHY
Make a clear list of your aims for the Design Dialogues session. Remember, Design Dialogues is an extension of your project work and serves your exploration. What do you want to gain insights, feedback on, or perhaps test at the Design Dialogues?

  I would like to continue exploring the reactions and interactions participants can have with my work, especially those who hadn't participated in the interventions. I want to see what emotions, thoughts and ideas previous explorations provoke, in order understand how these projects can be extended in the future. I would like to see who has had similar explorations and who created intriguing projects, as a way of potentially collaborating with those people. new interactions, feedback, reactions, ideas, future possibilities.

4. WH0
Clearly and concisely identify your target stakeholder/s for Design Dialogues. A design intervention is a design action done in context and in collaboration with outside people, communities, companies or institutions. Your Design Dialogues experience must expand on this to explore possibilities, prototype with experts, co-design, create participative activities, gather feedback, insights etc. You must clearly identify and engage necessary stakeholders.

  • Stakeholders: Young generation, Artists, Activists, Climate-Curious/Confused/Hopeless, Wicked Problems.
Why wicked problems? I try to integrate them in each Design Intervention I have (Artificial Constellations: Light pollution, Modernising Rorschach: Youth anxiety due to social media, Quarantine collage: the impact of covid) so, in a way, these "solutionless problems" are a player in each of my projects.

  • Communities: I would like to get more involved with the Interaction Design/Multimedia world - IDEAL, Mutek, Saul Baeza, Llum, Cristian Rizzutti (Can we invite these people?)

5. HOW 
Draft of how you plan to achieve the above for your personal and/or group showings. What mechanisms, artefacts or short processes have you imagined to support you in achieving the aims you have? EG. Do you imagine showing videos, a small exhibition or performance? Have you thought of producing a survey, in-person feedback or inviting members of your community to be present?

  • I imagine showing videos of my work (Artificial Constellations), photos (Rorschach) posters (of each event + quarantine collage) and maybe create a small installation with Chris for the Artificial Constellations project (laying down, looking up at a small screen)

  • I would like to invite the aforementioned people, but can we? - Covid restrictions
