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Design Studio Term III

Scaling our project

Working on the MDEFest project with Chris & Juaco, where we will likely exhibit audiovisual interactive work at Akasha hub. More info here.


the 5W of scaling - Clément's activity
In relation to MDEFest


Connect people, create new communities, throw ourselves out there, Gain experience


Interactive audiovisuals


with: Chris + Akasha hub staff + Juaco

for: young creative profesionnals, people who are not used to being in nature, crypto people, tech people.


Akasha hub, Barcelona


June 28th

This exhibition will allow us to scale our design interventions beyond the MDEF classroom and IAAC premises, allowing us to reach new people and gather together a community. We expect 50-60 people to arrive to the event, some invited by us and others invited by Akasha hub. Also, collaborating with the NA.B3 collective means connecting with people already working in the field, who have lots more knowledge in interactive exhibits than us.
