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Week 18 - Invention, intellectual property and income

MDEF x Akasha Hub: Hybrid Ecosystems

  • Creat a dissemination plan for your final project
  • Outline future possibilities and described how to make them probabilities
  • Choose a licence (open/closed) of your choice for your final mdef intervention

We believe our project right now is easy to scale up: we already have the 3D files for a button, potentiometer and pressure sensor, so it is only a matter of repeating the 3D printing. If you want to see the process of that, check out the Fabchallenge 4 repo, here.

As for the audiovisual files, Touchdesigner is free for personal use and has a very active community, so we could post the file on TD forums for people to use and learn. Ableton, on the other hand is very not open source and expensive, so it wouldn't be easy to share that with people who do not have a license for it. I would be willing to put my files online so that others could learn from what I'm making.

I also wanted to do the “5W of scaling” activity for this reflection. I think it's a good tool that can make us reflect of important core ideas from our project. In the short-medium term, I am considering MDEFest as the main way to dissemicate my project.

I think it gives us the great opportunity to scale up our ideas, show it to lots of new people, and create new connections within our community. Here are the reflections on my Why, What, Who, Where and How.


Connecting people, form new communities, throw ourselves out there, gain experience in this field.


Interactive audiovisual installations (Hybrid Ecosystems project)


with: Chris + Akasha hub staff + Juaco

for: people interested in technology people not used to appreciating nature,

By: young creatives, newly professionals, together with environmental activists.


Akasha hub, Barcelona


On the 28th of June at 19.00

After MDEFest, depending on how well the project is received, I will be looking into expanding beyond MDEF and Akasha hub. Chris and I were looking into submitting our work to various festivals, such as ARS Electronics, or Dutch Design week. These would broaden up our horizons and give us even further possibilities for creating new connections and networking with our communities.
